Pakistan is the 5th largest producer and the 3rd largest pakistan mango exporter in the world. Its soil and climatic conditions enable production and market supplies of good quality fresh mango over a period of about 5 to 6 months. Pakistani mangoes therefore enjoy a prominent position in the international market. We also provide online facility to buy pakistan mango so you can receive the taste of pakistani honey mangoes and juicy mangoes any where from the world. We constantly work on being top among pakistan mango exporters and pakistan mango suppliers. To be on the list of pakistan’s best mango exporters is our priority and hence we export best quality pakistan mango to all over the world and we are expanding our self as pakistan mango exporter. Our packaging are handled exceptionally to reflect international standard and keep the freshness of mangoes for the customers.
Pakistani Mangoes are mostly yellow in color when fully ripe, have strong aroma and sweet in taste, no mango of any origin can compete in taste with Pakistani Mango. Abdul Hadi Foods is well known in the export of Fresh Mangos and is currently exporting to Germany, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Spain, Malaysia, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
Major pakistani mango types exported by Abdul Hadi Foods are as follows:
Sindhary Mango
Leading variety of Sind. Fruit shape ovalish long, size large, skin colour lemon yellow when ripe, pulp colour yellowish cadium, texture fine and firm fibreless, stone medium sized, flavour pleasantly aromatic and taste sweet. We stand top among pakistan’s Sindhri Mango Suppliers and Sindhri Mango Exporters.

Chaunsa Mango
The Chausa or Chaunsa mango of Pakistan is probably one of the worlds’ top varieties available. It is an exceptionally sweet mango with a wonderful fragrance and delicious soft, succulent flesh with only the minimum of fiber. We lead the pakistan Chaunsa mango export market as suppliers of Chausa mango and fresh and quality Chausa mango exporters.
Red King ( Lal Badshah )
Red king is the name given to a yellow mango with a slight red blush. As the fruit ripens, the yellow becomes deeper. The fruit has a slightly irregular shape. The flesh is quite firm, has some fiber and is sweet without being particularly flavoursome.

Anwar Ratol
Anwar Ratol is popular due to high flavor and abundant of juice. It is smaller in size, heavy pulp full of juice, skin medium thick, pulp is firm and fibreless, can be cut off in slices, flavor very pleasant and very sweet taste. The season of Anwar Ratol starts from mid of July to August.
Baganphali is the variety of Sindh that is popular due to large volume usually having length of about 14 cm, breath 9.1 cm and thickness 8.2 cm. Fruit shape is Oval, skin color dark green and become yellowish light green after being matured, surface smooth, sweet taste and heavy pulp and full of tasty juice. Season is extended from July to August.

It is the variety of Mango that has splendid demand in Europe and Canada. It is smaller in size, having delicious sweet taste, skin green and thin, attractive fragrance, highly perishing, fibreless, shape a little oval and heavy pulp that looks yellowish brown. The season starts from the mid of June till August.